Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gary Chapman

Isn't life fun?  *SMILES*

My latest development of studying and learning I would say is found in the pages of the books I have been reading and topics that I have been reaching out for.  Especially psychology!

Might I say Gary Chapman's  "The Five Languages of Apology" is an excellent read and a very intelligent one at that!  I highly recommend reading his works. For they are perfect for any person wanting to perfect their life in any form.  This book is very good so far and I have only read about a quarter of the way through it. I am just absorbing every page!  Truly this book I feel encourages emotional intelligence, marriage healing, healthy habits and an understanding of true openness towards the nature of how God has designed us as human beings in our communication and operating skills.

I feel if we only knew how to truly apologize... Are lives would be filled to their fullest.

If you desire a life of positivity and understanding towards those you love and come in contact with everyday... Read this book!

  P.s. For best results: This book definitely requires action in applying and observing the world around you. (Not simply just reading.)

Have an awesome day!

